Sunday 2 September 2012

Friendship,Love and Misunderstandings

You meet a stranger start talking, laugh for absolutely no reason at all, have stupid fights that are over in ten minutes, make fun of each other when you walk into stuff and no matter what happen you are always there for each other. THAT’S FRIENDSHIP!!!!!
You met someone; you don’t know why you always want that person to be with you. Whether you are together or apart that person is always on your mind and in heart. You can’t explain about him/her to anyone. You blush by listening the name of the other person. THAT’S LOVE!!!!
When we try to mix these two relationships together misunderstandings arises, trust is not the reason always.Inspite of trusting the other person blindly, and misunderstandings comes. Each and every relationship has its own value and importance. Changing the priorities creates misunderstandings, insecurities and hence leads to a very unbearable result.

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